

過左呢個禮拜之後,我有排都吾會再想食雞翼啦!因為呢個星期既F.3 Bio實驗總共需要使用180條雞翼骨!你地係冇睇錯!真係180條!呢幾日我對雞翼既結構有真切的認識,因為除左要食之外,仲要去除軟骨部份,清洗每條骨頭,最後用焗爐焗乾。到現時為止,我仲爭大約60條骨!試過肯德基既巴辣香雞翼、燒烤聚會既蜜糖燒雞翼、昨晚同今日lunch既滷水雞翼、今晚同明日lunch既咖哩雞翼................ 哎...........希望快D儲夠D雞骨啦!H....E....L....P.......!
*P.S. 多謝各方友好的頂力幫口!不過希望大家幫幫手食得乾爭D,等我洗骨洗得快手D!!

2 則留言:

ahtong 說...

why not asking me to help you?
I love chicken wings so much! :)

SAJ 說...

Ai.......you are so busy and just recover that time la!No time to see you and tell you about that la!And it was so rush to collect that amount of bones. So I will leave all the chicken wings for you if we having lunch or dinner la! because I just got ACW disease la!!