




過左呢個禮拜之後,我有排都吾會再想食雞翼啦!因為呢個星期既F.3 Bio實驗總共需要使用180條雞翼骨!你地係冇睇錯!真係180條!呢幾日我對雞翼既結構有真切的認識,因為除左要食之外,仲要去除軟骨部份,清洗每條骨頭,最後用焗爐焗乾。到現時為止,我仲爭大約60條骨!試過肯德基既巴辣香雞翼、燒烤聚會既蜜糖燒雞翼、昨晚同今日lunch既滷水雞翼、今晚同明日lunch既咖哩雞翼................ 哎...........希望快D儲夠D雞骨啦!H....E....L....P.......!
*P.S. 多謝各方友好的頂力幫口!不過希望大家幫幫手食得乾爭D,等我洗骨洗得快手D!!


燒烤爐 version 1.0

籌備多時,由狗sir設計,我負責裝撼,價值$103蚊既自家制作既燒烤爐1.0終於整好啦!這次燒烤聚會,雖然人數吾多,不過好耐冇同班老友食下飯傾下計,係秋季星空下燒烤,真係好舒服呀!吾太冷吾太熱。經昨晚試用過後,真係好使好用,不過仲有好多改良既空間,eg. 免提燒烤叉panel,手動燒烤架,燒烤+火煱2食,燴魷魚夾.............


Goodbye My friend!

Hey!Do you know that we both enter to this new company at the same period of time ma? In the begining, you got 5 brothers who live and work with you. But they seem not adopt to this new environment and leave us separately. And you living alone till now. I always worry about you will leave us just like your brothers,and you still look healthy and energetic ar! What happened to you recently lae? You seem no mood to eat ar! Today, when I just want to change some fresh water and food to you, just realized that you have leave us silently. It really a shock to me and my partner. Your leaving is it telling me that I need to have some new idea,action or decision for the comming future? Wish you have a better next life! Goodbye my dear 龜龜!



吾係因為2﹣3個月後既新年大掃除,而係仲有2﹣3個禮拜到,就到家姐結婚擺酒之日。最近都忙緊收拾屋企,由客廳,廁所到自己房都有排執、有排清。要定吾要?留定吾留?都要做好多次決擇,諗反起好多以前既回憶!記得最初搬入黎新屋既時候,間屋好大架,因為咩家私都未有,係宜家訂左張碌架床又未有貨,同阿哥打地鋪,周圍碌冇事。但係買下買下,越來越多家私、電器、書、DVD、衫、褲、鞋........。最慘阿哥都搬左出去住,連佢負責開既客廳都要我執埋.............!吾知我執吾執得切?定係mission impossible呢?


Sick not equal to death

Originally uploaded by jeffchan727.
This week many people around me were suffering from illness.My dear partner and friend.I know they are so busy these few weeks, busy for study,work and personal things.But remember to have some rest , eat healthy and relax during sleep!If feel sick, just go to see doctor la!Sick can cure!Just take some pills!Wish you all stay happy and healthy everyday!
P.S. don't take so much Panadol!May be try to drink Pocari Sweat + hot water!It is a healthy substitute!It really works !


Ricoh GR-Digital

Originally uploaded by jeffchan727.
等左好耐啦!!!吾單只係等post本人第一篇blog好耐!亦係等緊幾時會有部數碼相機既質素會拍得住我最愛的GR1v等得好耐!Ha ha.....呢幾個月終於買左人生既第一部DC,數碼版既GR-digital。之前上網搵左好耐info,睇過D sample相,係旺角行左幾日,都係忍吾住買左返屋企。用左2個禮拜到,D相真質素真係吾錯!希望往後既日子同我一齊記錄最好的時光!